June 27ish (Lol): Domestic Abuse Advocate

I decided that I want to help women who have been in a similar situation, some much worse than what I went through. I made it, and I know that if they’ve come to the turning point of not wanting to be in that type of relationship, that means they’re just as strong as I am. If I made it, so can they. I’ve always said that I want my story to inspire and help people one day, and I don’t see why not start now. I know I’m not the first and probably won’t be the last girl to feel like she’s trapped in a bad situation with no way out. And I remember feeling lost and not knowing what I was going to do without the boy who did this to me. In fact, I blamed myself; If I had just done this or that better then he wouldn’t have ever put me in that situation. I remember saying that I never wanted to be like my mother, as I watched her as a child daily, get hit and disrespected. I grew up around a slew of dysfunctional relationships and told myself that I wouldn’t repeat what I saw. Regardless, this isn’t about me, exactly, this is about me wanting to help women who need it. Because I so desperately wished that somebody would help me. I want to be that for someone else. Show them just how strong they are. Uplift them when they need it. I just want them to feel the support and love that they deserve and need. To remind them just how irrevocably valuable they are.

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