

Bio: “As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation –either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course,” – Martin Luther King. As a small child, I began to rely on the classics, such as Little Women, Robin Hood, etc, for comfort; where as other children had a security blanket or a stuffed animal they took with them everywhere, I had that much love for my books. I would read for hours on end until my small eyes waned from sleepiness and my mind was at ease. It was this love for literature that ultimately stemmed my passion for writing. Almost immediately following the introducing of this creative outlet, my pen was flying off the pages. I remember being recognized for my ingenious introduction take in the third grade and from there I feel like I have had a slew of amazing English teachers that have really nurtured me into the writer that I am today. And for that I am eternally grateful; a piece of me feels like I owe it to them to be a huge success. I want to show them that all the work that they put into me has meant something, and that it has been put to good use. But a mere novice in journalism, I consider myself to be evolving and exploring the field, in hopes to become a top journalist and editor. Finding myself devoted to language and story-telling, I can’t help but to want to enter other people’s lives and impact, inform, and interlock within them. I hope that I can reach the masses and even inspire them with not just my writing, but my story and future successes and endeavors. Newly transferred to Texas Southern University, I find the premises to be enriching and deeply satisfying the craving to learn. Curiosity is what brought me to the campus, but the culture and heartfelt staff have made it home. I have never felt this kind of synchronization and purpose with my future than before and I really feel like it has branched off from my being at TSU. I look forward to my journey here and to see exactly what my mark will be on TSU after I graduate.

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